Video from the lectures is available on Canvas
These slides are updated as the course progresses, so we don't recommend downloading them all at the beginning of the quarter.
Linear functions
Engineering examples
Interpretations of linear equations
Linear algebra review
Range and null space
QR factorization
Example: Least-squares navigation
Multi-objective least-squares
Least-norm solutions of underdetermined equations
Recursive estimation
Least-squares fitting
LS via QR factorization
Gauss-Newton method
Eigenvectors and diagonalization
Symmetric matrices
Matrix norm
SVD and applications
Autonomous linear dynamical systems
Solution via matrix exponential
Dynamic interpretation of eigenvectors
Jordan canonical form
Linear dynamical systems with inputs and outputs
Controllability and state transfer
Observability and state estimation
Summary and final comments
Example: Input design
Example: Estimation/filtering
Example: Least-squares filtering revisited
Extremal-trace problems