EE263: Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems

Stanford University, Summer Quarter 2024

Reading material

Reference material

There are no required or optional textbooks.

A good reference for an introductory treatment of some parts of the course is the book Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe. This is the textbook for engr108, and is available online.

The book is not required, and EE263 differs from the book. EE263 is at a more advanced level, and it covers much material that is not in the book. Everything we will use in this class will be posted on the course website.

Several texts can serve as auxiliary or reference texts.

  • Linear Algebra and Its Applications, G. Strang

  • Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, C.D. Meyer

  • Introduction to Dynamic Systems, D. Luenberger

  • Linear Algebra Done Right, S. Axler

  • Optimization Models, G. Calafiore and L. El Ghaoui

You will not need these books, and none of them cover exactly the material that we will be covering. We only list them in case you want to consult some additional references.